Pyonyang presents this country that we have no idea about in the same way we would come to realize it in person: minimalism. In the beginning, it shows how strict they are about belongings and technology. Even their private rules at home (it's "bliss" to leave their shoes on while in bed) are strict. The comic ties that in with it being in black and white and with there being not much detail or background pieces. It tells you that there's no diversity or individuality but also shows you at the same time.
Another example is when they're at the restaurant and he shows how soaking wet his elbows are. According to Scott McCloud in his Understanding Comics, this is called "duo-specific panels in which both words and pictures essentially send the same message." (McCloud, 153). In this panel, he is lifting up his soaking wet elbows while exclaiming about them. However, this is normal in this country and he is assured that he will get used to it.
While it's difficult to know about another country's values or ethics by reading about it, it's still very valuable to know and learn what other's have experienced in those countries.
While it's difficult to know about another country's values or ethics by reading about it, it's still very valuable to know and learn what other's have experienced in those countries.
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