Do you know that vague whisper of déjà vu you sometimes feel when reading a story that's really old, like the early days of classical antiquity sort of old? And it's as though something is breathing through the story. If you close your eyes and breathe along with it—deep inhale down to your root chakra ... s l o w exhale ... find the pulse and tempo—then maybe some of those truths, so neatly encapsulated in myths and symbols, will break loose and reveal themselves to you. All those years measured by the movement of stars and continents will fall away, cultures and religions will twine themselves into one strong loop of shared human experience. Our bone-deep connectivity will be laid bare. While reading the graphic novel Sita's Ramayana by writer Samhita Arni and Patua scroll-painter Moyna Chitrakar, I felt the breath of that something inviting me to read closer, look closer, get closer. (Arni & Chitrakar 129) Linguisti...